YOUR Anti-Racism & Allyship EDUCATION.

what is this site?

We’ll meet you where you are, and provide digestible content on anti-racism.

This is an education hub curated to give white people all the information they need to be anti-racist. We’re removing the jargon, inserting information from experts, highlighting opportunities for change, and connecting white people to resources on how to impactfully use their privilege.

We’ve built a self guided learning program to give you the exact information you need, in the proper order. Since everyone’s allyship journey is starting in a different place, we’ve created a 7 question quiz to get you started and point you in the right direction.

White people are so used to consuming content that is sugar coated and watered down, and it isn’t effective. We need empathy in order to better advocate for POC, so our educational resources are here to take a different approach and educate white people in a way that is direct, empathetic and digestible. Clear messaging is the only way to create sustainable changes in behaviors and systems.

This initiative is completely crowdsourced by people who are committed to turning the tide and recognizing that we all have a role to play. We are allies committed to the learning and spreading knowledge for long term growth and change.



  • You will not be coddled.

  • Hate speech is not allowed.

  • Humility is required.

  • Growth will happen.

  • we’re here to answer the call of “i don’t know where to start.” The information you find on this website is a starting place, and will require effort beyond what you find here.

  • everything we highlight and cite on this website was free to access, so stop being lazy.

You made it here.

  • It doesn’t matter why, only that you showed up.

This website exists as a safe place for you to reflect on the current state of society, your role in it, and steps you can take to make positive, impactful changes. This is a resource with the intent of prompting you to challenge the status quo.

  • Break down the walls inside yourself.

Start dissecting the issues. We will look to identify psychological and societal factors that have contributed to where we are today, and what steps you can consciously take to start changing your own behaviors.

  • Address topics that seem taboo.

We will discuss questions you want to ask, but are afraid to address out of fear of looking ignorant or privileged. We will break down the wall together, and push each other to be better.

  • Put down your phone, stop resharing memes, and get to work.

Social change is uncomfortable, intimidating, and vulnerable. Get ready to challenge yourself, your neighbors, parents, work colleagues, spouses, and communities.

Change starts with you.

Start with this assessment.

It’s only 7 questions.

In order to get the right content that meets you on your journey of allyship, you need to identify your starting place. This self-assessment is completely anonymous and confidential, and is tailored to you.

We’ve made it easy with this 7 question self-assessment, where you will instantly get your results, and immediately begin your self-guided allyship journey.


Now learn how to become an ally.

educate yourself.

Most white people have never heard the term allyship applied to race, so of course we’re terrible at it. 

It’s important for you to start with the facts in order to unlearn bad behaviors and become anti-racist. Allyship 101 covers everything from the history of oppression of POC in America, to what “Black Lives Matter” represents.


Browse info on big topics

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White Privilege

“I have Black friends, I’m not racist!” is quite a giveaway to someone who is racist, but doesn’t acknowledge it within themselves. Understand why denying white privilege in itself is racist, and unlearn convenient truths of the past.

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Children and Racism

We know that babies are not born racist, and that they learn these unconscious beliefs based on the world they are raised in. So, how can we do our part to raise anti-racist children?

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Empathy is important in all of our relationships in life, but especially in situations that could have racist ramifications.  Empathy is malleable, so you can definitely improve your capacity.