Want to learn more about your local representatives?

Yes, you really, really do.

Down-ballot voting is super, super important. The presidential election is important, but local elections put sheriffs, district attorneys, commissioners, comptrollers, etc, into office, and those changes are amazingly important.  

Check these out to learn more about your local governmental officials and elections. 



SameSide makes it easy to understand who your local representatives are, what issues they stand for, and other information on voting.

Reclaim Our Vote

Reclaim Our Vote is a volunteer-driven, nonpartisan voter outreach campaign to fight voter suppression in various states that have been severely impacted by it, especially in the South. Reclaim Our Vote is organized by the Center for Common Ground of Virginia, in partnership with the NAACP, Black Voters Matter, VoteRiders, DemLabs, Mi Familia Vota and other organizations.

do you know what else is really important this year?

the presidential election.

We’re not here to tell you who to vote for, and believe that it’s your job to do your part in deciding which candidate you will give your vote to. But we strongly encourage you:

Have some empathy in your decision-making process, and think about the well-being of Black people and the outcome of the election.


i side with…

I Side With… makes it easy to identify who you want to vote for in the presidential election by answering simple questions about your political leanings.

This is the time where you should reevaluate your political beliefs. Change is a positive thing, and if you change your mind, it doesn’t mean you’re a hypocrite. It means you’re growing.

United States House of Representatives

The United States House of Representatives makes it easy to contact your congresspeople.

are you registered to vote?